How to Maximize Brand Relevance in 2021

Brands are battling a global pandemic and calls for social reform, both of which began last year with very little likelihood of slowing down. On top of that, marketers are dealing with smaller budgets and fewer resources. As a result, maximizing reach this year might seem like an impossible task and may be leading some brands to retreat or maintain a status quo. 

In a world that has changed so profoundly, it’s unlikely our cultural climate will return to exactly like it was in pre-pandemic, aka ‘the before times.’ Enlightened brands must heed the lessons of 2020’s perfect storm of COVID-19, social unrest, and political divide and reimagine their strategies in order to stay relevant. Here are three ways brands can maximize their relevance in 2021.

Act With Purpose

Consumers have their eyes on brands and expect them to have a voice. If 2020 taught us anything, it’s that lip service is no longer enough. It’s time for brands to take action.

A consumer is going to be more receptive to a brand that shares their same values, about 77% of consumers do this. Showing consumers that you care about the same things they do, and demonstrating you are bold enough to state that publicly and authentically, can go a long way. Oftentimes, just making one comment will be enough -- the power of the consumers will do the rest for you. 

Prioritize Thought Leadership

Thought leadership is a powerful tool in any media strategy. Establishing your brand and your executives as thought leaders in the space immediately adds credibility to your brand. As the brand and the executives who embody your brand, gain more media exposure, both your brand reach and credibility increase.

Whether it be published opinion pieces or being invited to offer commentary in news stories, or participating in more outside-the-box opportunities like podcasts, thought leadership can elevate a brand and exert its influence. Another way to establish your brand as a thought leader is through joining LinkedIn groups that are centered around your area of expertise. Sharing your insight and thoughts with like-minded people creates networking opportunities that lead to maximizing your brand’s reach. 

Thought leadership initiatives get your brand out there and have them appearing in publications that matter to both the brand and consumers, and against some of the most important people in the industry. 

Leverage Social Media

Social media is one of the most effective ways for a brand to reach its audience. However, it also makes it that much easier for an audience to reach a brand. As a result, brands tend to shy away from using social media as anything more than a promotional tool.

There are missed opportunities when using social media strictly as a way to promote your business. Using social media as a tool to create conversation can help in maximizing a brand’s reach. Creating stimulating conversations that encourage engagement from your audience establishes a connection that is more than just a brand and consumer relationship. By humanizing a brand through social media, brands can echo their message in a way they never have before.

Brands in 2021 are focused on maximizing their reach. Sometimes, that will mean stepping outside of the brand’s comfort zone. What it likely won’t mean is falling back on traditional tactics that have always worked. The world is changing, and consumer sentiments are shifting at a rapid pace. It is the brands that are agile, bold, and thoughtful that will maximize their reach in the year ahead. 

  • Kerriann Becker, Account Associate